Realness still exsists

Realness still exsists
"this is the making of a masterpiece, so i broke up out them chains and told the master PEACE"

Hip Hop's favorite?

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Hello, ARE YOU there?

I see plenty views and NO interaction, stop creeping and start speaking! :)
Feel free to disagree, agree, and just tell me your darn opinions.
Speak now or regret your missed chance later LOL!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Food for thought...

"People tell you who they are, but we ignore it because we want them to be who we want them to be"-Don Draper 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Relation$hips Cost....

If you plan to be in a relationship, YOU will have to spend money. I repeat you will have to spend money, "mula", Deniro, guap, whatever you want to call it. 
Depending on the type of person you are with, will determine around how much you will be spending, but, when they said "nothing in this world is free" the beautiful romance wasn't excluded! Now being that men left us with the job to be the nurturers it just so happen traditionally men are the "providers". And no, I'm not only talking about providing what's in your pants for you clueless ones, I'm speaking of treating your woman to a movie, dinner shit even buy something and cook for her if you're a homebody. Providing time and energy is also included. There are men that think they can go an entire relationship by saying "I love you", laying a woman on her back, and texting her kissy faces and then the job's done, while I can barely blame the men because the women accept it, that's not the way it goes! Then the women who demand a date, and demand a time sound "annoying" because of the women that settled.
Relationships cost. I cannot stress this enough,  Whether it's Money, Time, or sacrifices. 
I'm also not saying that because he is a man, and he is supposed to be the provider (if were going to follow traditional rules) that it is always on him to cut the check but please don't be one of those blinded women that get wrapped up and fall in love with empty promises rather than what he is actually doing. Granted, every one has hard times but if he can afford Call of Duty, he can at least treat your ass to some cookies! If you don't require it, he WON'T do it. You cannot force a man to change but, you can show him what you will and will not accept.
I sat through a Stephen A Smith (Sports analyst/commentator) lecture a few weeks ago and something he said really stuck out to me. He stated "If your family is hungry, it should be because you're starving". He made it clear he was speaking to the men in the room but that caused me to think. It is a man's position to provide. You can help, when married it goes 50/50 but it should always be his priority to make sure you are well off.
Women are making it hard for other women, and easier for lazy men by deeming it OKAY to sex her and give empty promises of all he will do by allowing it.
Stop letting him gas you with the "babe I would take you out but I'd rather spend time alone with just me and you" yes while that is beautiful sometimes, if you want to go out stop settling dammit, speak up or be miserable and watch another movie on Netflix Saturday night.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Some Things Shouldn't be a game

The fact that this was even an idea, pisses me off. I've been following this Trayvon Martin Case, unfortunately and from the day it began it's been a joke. From the defense attorney beginning with a dry knock knock joke to the attacking of Rachel Jeantel to an "angry Trayvon" game, really? A kid lost his life and some person who is insensitive thought it was clever to make a game surrounding it. 
Bless Trayvon's parents I don't know how they can sit through this all, the media's toybox and still hold their composure. I'm finding it hard to hold mine. 
The evidence provided doesn't even declare self defense for Zimmerman, from the moment the cops asked him "are you following him" and he replied "yes" they responded with "we don't need you to do that" his ass should've galloped back to his home and wait for the cops to arrive. Since when did watchmen become above authority?! 
Zimmerman took it into imitative to follow this fellow and question his freedom to be in a neighborhood. In my opinion, I do believe Trayvon Martin was fighting George Zimmerman but I also believe it was for his self defense. Who wouldn't be offended or startled by the words "what are you doing here" wait. It's 2013 and I have to check in and let the entire community know I'm here before I can walk around anywhere? Then the confusion and the clarity needed by the court of who was screaming "help" if you have a gun, there is no way you need to be screaming help unless it sounds something like "lord help me I'm about to put a pistol in his ass" but the cries sound like it was from a person who lacked control and as far as I'm concerned Trayvon had skittles compared to the bullet that was weighing down George Zimmerman's innocence. 
This trial should have been over. It was over before it began. He shot a kid who was defenseless and even if he fought Zimmerman, Zimmerman had went behind authority's rules and continued to do so. However I believe Zimmerman will only receive 10 years tops. But either a day or a decade prison is a terrible place and I'm sure he'll enjoy his vacation there. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

All hail....."YEEZUS"?

So every one who knows me, some who know of me know that I am the biggest Kanye fan. I've been in love with Mr West's artistry since he was only allowed to show his talents as a producer, when he dropped College Dropout it only went up from there.
What amazes me and keeps me on the edge about Kanye West is that he really does grow as an artist, just like snowflakes or fingerprints I cannot name 2 Kanye West albums that are alike.
I am going to try my best to critic Yeezus with out an unbiased opinion.
Track 1) On Sight- As an intense music listener, I like to hear what artists here meaning not only the lyrics but the beat, the vibe, the different instruments used the pitches, every and anything that helps make the song what it is. Some say this beat is "too much" but I think the too much was just enough, the feeling i got when I listened to this song is one where I'm at an arcade. I enjoyed every bit of overlapping the beat was doing. It was a great intro song and definitely a way to get me to listen to more. The thing about that song is there is no in between you either like it or you don't. Which is good because I would either want to listen to the rest of the album to recover from that mess or listen to hear more of that good mess.
2)Black Skinhead- I enjoy how Kanye's theme for this album is addressing things that may seem offensive.. "stop all that coon shit". In this album Kanye was not afraid to address things blacks and society as a whole shy away from. This song is not one of my favorites, however it does keep me on the edge of my seat screaming "WHAT'S NEXT!" And it's a great way to prepare us for the next blow, which is 'NEW SLAVES'
3)I Am A God- This song was so necessary, an ear opener and a song that makes one who mops floors for a living feel superior! Not going to front, that scream scared the shit out of me! And I will NOT listen to this song home a lone or at night, it has an eerie feeling to it. It's a hot song nonetheless and deserves some playtime though!
4)New Slaves- Hands down one of my favorites on the entire album! From the beginning "my momma was raised in the era when, clean water was only served to the fairer skin" gives me goosebumps and once again I'm dying to hear what's next. A good song for the beat to take the backseat, the beat was there you heard it, it was hot but it wasn't overbearing what Kanye was preaching. I think this is the perfect "Damn I gotta get up and get to my 9-5". It is the bitter truth. And the passion displayed in this song is undeniable.
5)Hold My Liquor- My favorite line has to be "soulmates become soulless" I think we can all vouch for that! Once again this isn't a favorite of mine, but the way its portioned as a story turns it into a valuable song. Great song to listen to when you're definitely feeling lonely and thinking or having a shot of wine.
6) I'm in it- I WILL BE BIASED because I JUST LOVEEE REGGAE SAMPLES. They are seriously everything a song needs. Thank you for Assassin's part assassinating this song. Everything it needed and more. Then Justin Vernon's soft voice just setting it off. A fun song to jam to. The scream added in it, the singing, the reggae. All these varieties making what I call a song thats worth it
7)Blood on the Leaves- Another one of my FAVORITES. And part of it is the production. Okay majority of it is the production, when that beat drops it does something to my heart that I don't think I've ever felt before. If you have a surround sound system in your car, home, shit even tree house anywhere it is necessary to listen to this song and just wait for the beat to do something to ya! Kanye knows exactly what sample to put on every song, and the sample with the beat creates an incredible song.
8)Guilt Trip- The highlight of this song is Cudi's appearence. He forces us to remember an ex with his voicing of "if you loved me why'd you let me gooooo ooooo let me gooo ooo" And once again any sample that is reggae is something I adore. Another good listen
9)Send it Up- A head bopper! Once again my love for reggae greeted with Beenie Man in the beginning. King Louie's stern voice also had me pay attention to the flow. the catchy "We can send this bitch up it can't go down" Once again Beenie Man's appearance on this song was lovely, great way to begin and end.
10) Bound 2- Dang! And I say that because it's unfortunate that the anticipated album stops here. Charles Wilson is always appreciated on a song. And of course Kanye had every one tweeting "ONE GOOD GIRL IS WORTH A THOUSAND BITCHES" DUH! Enjoyed it but was saddened it had to end here.

Overall this album was one I do love, I enjoyed it more the 2nd,3rd,4th....time around. I do wish there were more songs. It received some criticism for not being the most lyrical or for being "different" but if you want the old Ye' his old albums are still being sold.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Hibbert Hib Hop,ya dont stop

I could not begin this Blog post with out giving credit where it is due. It pains me to say this because I am indeed a Knicks fan, and I hate how the "baby" team Pacers SON'd us. But this team has showed youth can beat experience. This team has  played how a TEAM shall play. I doubt the Knicks could have given the Heat a hard time such as the Pacers could have, though I have Miami Pulling through and winning game 7, Pacers do indeed deserve a standing ovation. Now to get to the real news, the real reason I decided to voice my thoughts on this blog, is Hibbert's use of the well known saying "no homo"I can understand why the NBA covered their ass by charging Hibbert an overwhelming $75k (it's not the money in my opinion, ball players get paid too much any way) over what we hear so often from rappers, friends, etc. I can understand Jason Collins just leaped out the closet and announced his preference of sexuality. However, I do not think Hibbert meant it in any degrading way, it must be understood that this is a young team and it must be understood that this is how young people speak. I am in no way defending Hibbert because I do not think that's post conference talk, there is a time and place for everything and that was neither the time nor place.
I do not believe this should tarnish Hibbert's image.Though it is a different entertainment field, how many times have Lil Wayne said "no homo" in a song and we continue to hear it on the radio and never heard of him being fined. And I think we can all agree if anything is influential it is music.
I am just hoping this does not distract Hibbert so much to the point he loses focus on game 7 tonight. I am looking forward to sitting back and watching an entertaining game tonight. I am looking forward to see EVERYBODY bring it. I do feel as if Hibbert's apology is genuine and the Pacers should be looked at for the show they are putting on and not a slip up from something we hear all the time and ignore all the time.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

The scary Lump

wow! It's been a while since I've found myself back here. And for a while I thought I'd never come back, but I now know thats not the case. Blogging is me, it's what I do, and if I have something to say, I'm going to say it. Even if it's not always what people want to hear. After all people hate hearing the truth.
But anyway during my little vacation or rather my little "non blogging spree" I noticed so many things and so many repeated things that it actually freaked me out. And one of the common thing's I noticed is that young girls get pregnant by the wrong boys. The reason I put boys instead of men is because I was brought up being taught that men face their responsibilities. Boys still cower away from reality. Notice if you ever had a boy little cousin,brother,nephew, or seen any little boy get in trouble, usually their first defense is "it wasn't me!" or they would come up with some cute excuse as to why they didn't do it. EVEN when the evidence is clear as day!
Anyway a while back I heard a saying "you want to see how a man really feels for you? tell him you're pregnant" now while I laughed this off it never left my mind. It led me to think. And I didn't understand it then but I understand it all too well now! See the thing with boys is when it comes to sex they're okay with doing that act but when it comes to consequences sex brings they are ready to point fingers and go back to that "it wasn't me!" mindset. It's actually amusing to me to see how a man goes from being a young boy who is in an absolute rush to become a man because of all the freedom it brings, but then once their girl or former girl mouths those words "I'm Pregnant" that man is in a rush to turn back into a little boy with restrictions. oh the irony! And in no way, shape or form am I a male basher
(though I may carry certain traits of a feminist) because the females should be held accountable as well. As females we have to do better when it comes to choosing who we allow into our vagina (sorry for being raw, no pun intended!) So many people see sex as just an activity, or something couples are supposed to do to express their love but to me it's way more than that. If you can't see yourself dealing with that person for 18+ years then you shouldn't be spreading your legs. Because a boy told you he love you is not a good enough reason to feel it's okay. If a man constantly shows you he loves you on the other hand, now thats different. It's sad to say but the truth is that a baby won't make a boy grow up, in fact a baby may have you believe you slept with Benjamin Button because of how childish he reacted once you uttered those life changing words.
It's way too many "men less homes". Our boys need fathers, and our little girls need them also. Now I know it's impossible to convince some one to do their job as a parent but it's easier when you control and analyze who you let into your life. If he can easily give up on you even though he "loved" you. He can easily give up on a child even though he "loved" them.
Analyzing who you allow into your temple will possibly save you court dates, the emotional pain and the innocent look in your child's eyes when he's confused as to why his two creators cant seem to create peace. I'm sick of seeing children catch the remains of their parent's tarnished relationship.