I could not begin this Blog post with out giving credit where it is due. It pains me to say this because I am indeed a Knicks fan, and I hate how the "baby" team Pacers SON'd us. But this team has showed youth can beat experience. This team has played how a TEAM shall play. I doubt the Knicks could have given the Heat a hard time such as the Pacers could have, though I have Miami Pulling through and winning game 7, Pacers do indeed deserve a standing ovation. Now to get to the real news, the real reason I decided to voice my thoughts on this blog, is Hibbert's use of the well known saying "no homo"I can understand why the NBA covered their ass by charging Hibbert an overwhelming $75k (it's not the money in my opinion, ball players get paid too much any way) over what we hear so often from rappers, friends, etc. I can understand Jason Collins just leaped out the closet and announced his preference of sexuality. However, I do not think Hibbert meant it in any degrading way, it must be understood that this is a young team and it must be understood that this is how young people speak. I am in no way defending Hibbert because I do not think that's post conference talk, there is a time and place for everything and that was neither the time nor place.
I do not believe this should tarnish Hibbert's image.Though it is a different entertainment field, how many times have Lil Wayne said "no homo" in a song and we continue to hear it on the radio and never heard of him being fined. And I think we can all agree if anything is influential it is music.
I am just hoping this does not distract Hibbert so much to the point he loses focus on game 7 tonight. I am looking forward to sitting back and watching an entertaining game tonight. I am looking forward to see EVERYBODY bring it. I do feel as if Hibbert's apology is genuine and the Pacers should be looked at for the show they are putting on and not a slip up from something we hear all the time and ignore all the time.
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