wow! It's been a while since I've found myself back here. And for a while I thought I'd never come back, but I now know thats not the case. Blogging is me, it's what I do, and if I have something to say, I'm going to say it. Even if it's not always what people want to hear. After all people hate hearing the truth.
But anyway during my little vacation or rather my little "non blogging spree" I noticed so many things and so many repeated things that it actually freaked me out. And one of the common thing's I noticed is that young girls get pregnant by the wrong boys. The reason I put boys instead of men is because I was brought up being taught that men face their responsibilities. Boys still cower away from reality. Notice if you ever had a boy little cousin,brother,nephew, or seen any little boy get in trouble, usually their first defense is "it wasn't me!" or they would come up with some cute excuse as to why they didn't do it. EVEN when the evidence is clear as day!
Anyway a while back I heard a saying "you want to see how a man really feels for you? tell him you're pregnant" now while I laughed this off it never left my mind. It led me to think. And I didn't understand it then but I understand it all too well now! See the thing with boys is when it comes to sex they're okay with doing that act but when it comes to consequences sex brings they are ready to point fingers and go back to that "it wasn't me!" mindset. It's actually amusing to me to see how a man goes from being a young boy who is in an absolute rush to become a man because of all the freedom it brings, but then once their girl or former girl mouths those words "I'm Pregnant" that man is in a rush to turn back into a little boy with restrictions. oh the irony! And in no way, shape or form am I a male basher
(though I may carry certain traits of a feminist) because the females should be held accountable as well. As females we have to do better when it comes to choosing who we allow into our vagina (sorry for being raw, no pun intended!) So many people see sex as just an activity, or something couples are supposed to do to express their love but to me it's way more than that. If you can't see yourself dealing with that person for 18+ years then you shouldn't be spreading your legs. Because a boy told you he love you is not a good enough reason to feel it's okay. If a man constantly shows you he loves you on the other hand, now thats different. It's sad to say but the truth is that a baby won't make a boy grow up, in fact a baby may have you believe you slept with Benjamin Button because of how childish he reacted once you uttered those life changing words.
It's way too many "men less homes". Our boys need fathers, and our little girls need them also. Now I know it's impossible to convince some one to do their job as a parent but it's easier when you control and analyze who you let into your life. If he can easily give up on you even though he "loved" you. He can easily give up on a child even though he "loved" them.
Analyzing who you allow into your temple will possibly save you court dates, the emotional pain and the innocent look in your child's eyes when he's confused as to why his two creators cant seem to create peace. I'm sick of seeing children catch the remains of their parent's tarnished relationship.
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