A mental cure, To know some one thinks about random, everyday life, and still cares about humanity. a dip of sense of humor, over-chatting (I'm a girl, i talk because I can) Music after all music tells my story sometimes better than I can. And a complex girl making a way in this world. Thank Me Now, I might not be here later.
Realness still exsists

"this is the making of a masterpiece, so i broke up out them chains and told the master PEACE"
Hip Hop's favorite?
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Monday, September 26, 2011
Cole World. The Legacy Begins tomorrow 09/27.. "One Day Simba"
"But see I got a date with destiny, cause this the summer that our life change, Hov asked me is you ready for it? I looked around at all his nice things and told him nigga you already know it."-J.Cole
The Motivation of CAN'T.
They boo'ed Lauryn Hill when she went to sing on the apollo at a young age. Jordan helped win a game with the flu. Obama was laughed at for thinking he can become President. And a little black boy from Marcy Projects in brooklyn grew up to be a millionaire, even got the chance to rename and relocate an NBA team (Brooklyn Nets), Jay-Z. "Everyday a star is born" People are easily discouraged by their own mind telling them they can't do it. When these role models, stars, Artist, had crowds of people laughing and shunning upon them. If this isn't inspiration then I don't know what is. If my conscious or intuition ever doubt me of my passion, I will dribble a ball, pick up a mic, or run for president. LOL just kidding. but NO. Never ever let your passion die. After all the saddest thing in life is not the death of a person, but it is a waste of your talent.
There is something wrong with a Little bump And Grind O.o
Sex for the wrong reasons. A lot of young women deal with this issue today. "If I don't have sex would he lose interest?" "i want him to like me" I can relate to this in every way possible. Sex. not because of peer pressure because of valuing a friendship or relationship so much that you feel if you don't do it, you would put the relationship in jeopardy. I'm a very social person! And the answer of "I had sex because I wanted to" decreases and decreases. And it's like girls do it because they want to keep him, but the irony is that once he get's it, he disappears so giving up yourself to keep him is what actually made you lose him, catch my drift? And any girl that's facing this or don't know if their ready my answer is WAIT! if he loses interest because you're not ready for that yet then you know what he's about, that should be a test. But by all means if you're horny and you're ready to unleash the dragon! strap up and GO! But I just have a very tender place in my heart for girls who are intimate when their soul's not in it. I'm not biased! I love guy's. I'm quicker to make friends with guys than girls, but guys are some slick motherfuckers, they will tell you shit you never heard before just to get a pass at that ass! I've seriously had a guy tell me while i'm walking once "THERE YOU GO! OMG THERE SHE IS!" And I was scared as hell cause I'm from Brooklyn and the first thought that came to my mind was omg he's gonna rob me. he then continued telling his friends "THAT'S THE GIRL THAT WAS IN MY DREAMS!" I had to laugh cause the way it played out was so smooth. See guys know what to say, they have a full degree in pussyoligy. Just be smart and know you're body! Cause no dude, or anybody period is worth losing yourself over. and Once you trust some one with your body, that's the quickest way of trusting some one with your soul. Unless its a quickie of course.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Friday, September 23, 2011
Dang Lauryn, stay out of my mind.
He stole the heart beating from my chest I tried to call the cops, that type of thief you can’t arrest. Pain suppressed, will lead to cardiac arrest. Diamonds deserve diamonds,but he convinced me I was worth less. When my peoples would protest,I told them mind their business, cause my shit was complex. More than just the sex. I was blessed, but couldn’t feel it like when I was caressed I’d spend nights clutching my breasts overwhelmed by God’s test-Lauryn Hill
Basketball wives?
screw a Basketball Wives! They need to make a "Broke niggas wives" THAT would be a REALITY show. and that's when shit gets real.
There's no limit to my love
Very often people ask.. "How do I know when its my breaking point?!" "How do I know when it's enough" my reply. "when you have to ask" ... I think so many of us just don't want to know the answer to that question. We never want it to be enough, just want it to work, to last. Risks in love are so freakin scary, because a scar can heal. Physical pain can even receive surgery. But there is nothing like a heart break. Nothing.
Cheers to THE WEEKND!
Yes, it is Friday. and I am excited about the weekend! yeah that too, but this Weeknd I'm speaking of is different,yes, I spelt it right the first time... "The Weeknd" An up and coming artist who's soulful, pain felt, high melody catches my every attention. Through his songs I hear a story and I can fairly relate to the one called "Rolling Stone" off of his Mixtape 'Thursday', though 'The House of Balloons' Mixtape is my favorite!
I started listening to the Weeknd who was referred by a friend (Thanks Ryan!) and I though OMG! where have you been all my life. I started breaking mirrors in my house trying to sing like him. And I haven't tuned out ever since, No Weeknd on the Weekend though, it might make you a bit sad. LOL. the-weeknd.com
I started listening to the Weeknd who was referred by a friend (Thanks Ryan!) and I though OMG! where have you been all my life. I started breaking mirrors in my house trying to sing like him. And I haven't tuned out ever since, No Weeknd on the Weekend though, it might make you a bit sad. LOL. the-weeknd.com
Thursday, September 22, 2011
After All these years, the pain still lives here.
I went to The World Trade Center today. There's still a building left but it is Not the same. it's amazing after all these years, that once I walk out the train and pass by the empty space, I don't know whether it was in my heart or in the center where the TWIN towers were suppose to be, Maybe both. I imagined myself being there and jumping out the window And I shivered. I'm afraid to freaking put my hands up in the air on a roller coaster, imagine putting my hands up in the air to launch out the window, knowing that my chances of making it are unrealistic. I didn't imagine to feel all these emotions when I walked by the empty space, but I did. After 10 years, It still hurts. Ground 0.
Is there a memo going around that I did not receive? It seems like "not caring" or.. wait on Twitter there's the "IDGAF" "I have no fucks to give" lol and this sucks major because I give a whole ton of fucks. It's like i never run out. I think people care but they use their "not caring" attitude as a shield to avoid getting hurt. What people don't realize is getting hurt is apart of growing. As a Kid my mom had this hugeee flower thingy, with leaves and all beautiful and growing and long! It was tempting to tug at, how could you look at a long leaf thingy and Not want to pull it?! (I guess i have always been violent) Anyway, it was long and green and calling for my attention. So I use to have fun breaking it, and breaking it until the leaves stopped growing and turning brown. Days after I thought it was dead and it will never grow again. IT PROVED ME WRONG! It grew longer and healthier (With the help of water of course) ok. so Maybe this was a weird comparison, but my drift is that getting hurt and going through things only make you stronger and grow tougher. I've been through times where i'm like FUCK IT! FUCK EVERYBODY! I'M BITTER. I'M COLD. FUCK THE WORLD. IF I HAD A DICK I'D TEABAG EVERYBODY. ahaa (I sound like Tyler The Creator) but anyway I've felt low. but Thank God I keep my "I care attitude" regardless because I do care about people and everything. Why live if you're not gonna give a crap about anything? As Maya Angelou said "nobody but nobody can make it out here alone" so we need each other! Moral of the story is: no matter how much you pretend to not care, and feel you can do all bad by yourself you can't! and some one is going to tug at you and hurt you like I use to do my mom's plants but you will get past it and grow! If i had to choose between drinking honey or vinegar, I'd choose honey, Nobody wants a bitter bitch! It's okay to care, You Aint gots to lie Craig!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
What is The MO(RE)TIVE?
Truth is every one wants some thing from you. yeah, but being used isn't always negative. Although with this generation being used negatively wins MAJORITY! There are some people that want to use you to cure the empty area in their heart. We've all been used. Negatively and Positively. I know I have. There is always Signs, there's always that intuition. but we ignore that because even though it hurts so bad. it feels so good.
I've seen guys and girl's plot and lead each other on just to get their use of a orgasm. Or just to keep that person hanging around for back up. WTF! In a way were exactly like drug fiends, trying to ease an addiction, and are never satisfied. Our mindsets have automatically changed to what can I get out of this person? Instead of thinking what Do I have to offer?
I've seen guys and girl's plot and lead each other on just to get their use of a orgasm. Or just to keep that person hanging around for back up. WTF! In a way were exactly like drug fiends, trying to ease an addiction, and are never satisfied. Our mindsets have automatically changed to what can I get out of this person? Instead of thinking what Do I have to offer?
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